dimanche 1 mai 2016

Top 10 Most Expensive Laptops in The Worlds in 2016 - 2017


The technology age has reshaped everything and adoption of advanced technology is taking control.
Laptop is part of the advanced gadgets that took over Desktop computers, not because of its durability but for its size and reliability.

As the demands for Laptops increase in the market, manufacturers are also busy, making different kind of Laptops for those with huge pockets. You won’t believe some Laptops worth fortune until you know their price. So in this article will list 8 most expensive laptops in 2016 :

So lets start our list of top 10 most expensive laptops in the reverse chronological now. Here we go…

Top 10 Most Expensive Laptops :


No 10 : Acer Ferrari 1100


most expensive laptop in the world-10

This stylish Acer Ferrari 1100 is a full featured ultraportable laptop. With its 1280 x 800-pixel resolution, it delivers an unbelievable video and gaming experience. Among all the expensive laptops, Acer Ferrari 1100 is a light weighted one.The components like 4 GB RAM, 1.3 pixels webcam and 8-X DVD burner make it special from all other laptops.

Price: $3000

Producer: Acer


No 9 : Dell M6400 Laptop

expensive laptops

Dell designed this model for the professionals who are in the need of getting an expensive laptop with high scalability and performance. This laptop provides an excellent user experience along with the massive scalability. Configuration of this laptop includes Intel Q43 chipset, 1 TB Storage space and e-SATA interface. It effectively supports the tasks like high-end graphics, analysis, design, engineering related work, animation and video editing in a perfect way. The overall features of this laptop received a good reputation among the design professional and graphic designers.

Price: $3000

Producer: Dell


No 8 : Lenovo ThinkPad W700DS

most expensive laptop in the world
When it comes to quality and functioning, the integrated digitizer and handy secondary display of the Lenovo ThinkPad W700DS distinguish it from other laptops. The main factor for the cost and popularity of this laptop is its “built in quad core processor“. With its highly effective performance, Lenova Thinkpad grabs a spot in the most expensive laptops list. 

Price: $4500

Producer : Lenovo


No 7 : Rock Xtreme SL8


most expensive laptop in the world


In addition to its ranking in the list of most expensive laptops,Rock Xtreme SL8 is considered as the fastest laptop in the world. The powerful RAM and Intel Core 2-Quad Processor make this  laptop something special from the others. Those who need to spend most of their time in front of the laptop can find great benefits from this luxurious product. 

Price: $5500

Producer : Rock


No 6: Alienware area 51 m15x

most expensive laptop in the world 

Alienware area 51 m15x is the most sophisticated laptop in the world. This laptop is configured with the powerful RAM and Intel core-2 extreme which aids in offering the great comfort and excellent speed. Alienware area 51 m15x is the perfect choice for all serious gamers. 

Price: $5000

Producer : Alienware


No 5 : Stealth MacBook Pro

most expensive laptop in the world

Among the most expensive laptops, the Stealth MacBook Pro laptop is the worth noting for its smooth look and feel. This product is made using a technology called SofTouch that becomes the major reason for the uniqueness of this laptop. Other significant features of Stealth MacBook Pro include 256GB SSD, Custom matte screen and 8 GB RAM.

Price : $6,000

Producer : Apple


No 4 : Voodoo Envy H171

most expensive laptop in the world

Voodoo produces the Voodoo Envy H171 to offer lot its the customers. This laptop is equipped with 4 GB RAM, great Twin NVIDIA graphics chipset, 17 inch screen, 1.3 mega pixel  camera and dual hard disk. Moreover, this laptop has a pretty look and it comes in more than 24 different designs.

Price : $8,500

Producer : Voodoo 

No 3 : Ego for Bentley


most expensive laptop in the world

This laptop is produced by the super luxury car brand Bentley. Ego for Bentley is integrated with twelve fanatical direct access keys to support Webcam, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Media Centre and other applications. This luxurious product is well known for its amazing display, storage capacity and high performance.

Price : $20,000

Producer : Ego


No 2 : Tulip E-Go Diamond Notebook


most expensive laptop in the world


Tulip E-Go Diamond Notebook is one of the most expensive laptops in the world. Since it is very expensive, only the richest people can able to reach this notebook. This laptop is equipped with a 12-antiglare display screen, 160 GB of Hard disk, 2 GB of RAM, DVD burner, Integrated Webcam and Bluetooth 2.0. This notebook is famous for its design instead of its configuration. White gold & diamonds are used to design this notebook. So just imagine how luxury it is.

Price: $355,000

Producer : Tulip


No 1 : Luvaglio


expensive laptop in the world

The luxurious laptop that tops our list is from the great brand “Luvaglio”. Cost? Its $1,000,000.  No other expensive laptop in the world can even think of coming closer to this price. If you wish to own this master piece make sure you have a huge bank balance. Even you are ready to spend such huge amount out of your wallet, you can’t buy it just like that. You have to place the order online and have to wait for your request processing. Your request will be processed only after verifying if you are rich enough to get one. Beauty about this laptop is that you can customize its design, spec and even the material in the way you want to. Obviously, when you are paying such huge cash, you have the right to pick all these. You can choose anything from wood, Iron and metal to build your  master piece. Luvaglio’s one million dollar laptop is designed in such a way that the owner can upgrade its hardware at any point of time. Beauty is, this laptop neither has the uniqueness in technology nor in its spec. I can hear your question now. What the hell make it so expensive? The thing is that “You won’t have any buttons here”. You will only see genuine diamond pieces in place of every key. So this diamond encrust and bare hand manufacturing are certain things that make it to stand out from the rest.

Price :  $1,000,000

Producer : Luvaglio








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